


Meeting 17-22102016 - Work plan and future work » History » Version 5

Version 4 (Karine Even Mendoza, 20/10/2016 13:21) → Version 5/16 (Karine Even Mendoza, 20/10/2016 13:24)

h1. Meeting 17-22102016 - Work plan and future work

Future work:

1. Use incrementalitly increamntality of opensmt2 in hifrog

2. Fault explain/localize on the error trace

3. Theory aware MC for FunFrog + OpenSMT2

h3. Tasks for OpenSMT2

h3. Tasks for HiFrog

- Implement Impliment the algorithm for explain the error trace (the paper Grigory sent several weeks ago)

- Debug of the error trace

- Incrementality of solver: use pop during the verification process