


Wiki » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Karine Even Mendoza, 24/11/2016 11:53) → Revision 3/4 (Karine Even Mendoza, 24/11/2016 11:54)

h1. Wiki 

 h2. Folders in the Benchmark Set 

 The folders are divided into 3 categories. 

 * _/main-bench_: where are all the working or suppose to work benchmarks. Please add here any new benchmark that you have and works (instead of sending it via email). 
 * _/challenge-bench_: where are all the benchmarks with no encoding to SMT support exists. If you add a new functionality please do check if there are some benchmarks here that can be in main-bench. 
 * _/raw-code-examples_: if you have a new set of benchmarks that we shall start work on and check, please add it here. 

 h3. Folders in the Main Benchmark Set 

 * To test that basic things are working in HiFrog, use these sets: _/main-bench/arithmetic_, _/main-bench/branching_, _/main-bench/convertions_, _/main-bench/counter_example_, _/arithmetic_, _/branching_, _/convertions_, _/counter_example_, and _/main-bench/inject_summaries_. _/inject_summaries_. 
 * Regression tests: _/main-bench/funfrog_regression_ _/funfrog_regression_ and _/main-bench/sv-comp16_. _/sv-comp16_. 
 * More complicated test: _/main-bench/sv-comp16_ _/sv-comp16_ and _/main-bench/milano-bicocca-bench_. _/milano-bicocca-bench_.