Bug #7276
opencrash on busybox categories; Ideally we should return UNSUPPORTED!
File is: /home/asadis/hi-bench/challenge-bench/sv-comp17/c/busybox-1.22.0/touch_false-unreach-call_true-no-overflow_true-valid-memsafety.c
Verification was not successful, here is the last few lines: ...
Total number of claims in program...(1).
; Warning: disabling SATElite preprocessing to track proof
Use QF_UF logic.
---------checking claim # 1 ---------
; Warning: disabling SATElite preprocessing to track proofhifrog: /home/asadis/new-hifrog/hifrog/trunk/cprover/src/funfrog/symex_assertion_sum.cpp:1695: ssa_exprt symex_assertion_sumt::get_next_version(const symbolt&): Assertion `state.level2.current_names.find(ssa_l1_identifier) != state.level2.current_names.end()' failed.
- INLINING function: __CPROVER_initialize
- INLINING function: main
Processing a deferred function: __CPROVER_initialize
Processing a deferred function: main
Command terminated by signal 6
real 4.12
Note: Busybox is full of pointer, heap manipulation,...as sated in the svcomp webpage this category aims to represent verification tasks from real software systems.
Note2: This crash happens in 9 benchmarks out of 40.
Updated by Karine Even Mendoza over 6 years ago
- Assignee set to Martin Blicha
- Priority changed from Low to Normal
It is a bug in the creation of the SSA symbols. Somehow a symbol in modified_globals container isn't in the cprover's tables.
It is a program variable, not a fabricated one.
Updated by Martin Blicha over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Previously we were expecting to see a declaration of all symbols, but there are symbols that do not have declarations, like extern variables.
Now, we let the state before symex know about such variables before-hand. See git commit f8cc89bc